A recent study of social media usage makes it quite clear that people who become Facebook fans and Twitter followers of a brand are more likely to not only recommend, but they are also more likely to buy from those brands than they were before becoming fans/followers.
And it seems that Twitter is the more influential
- 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend those brands since becoming a fan or follower
- 67% of Twitter followers are more likely to buy the brands they follow or fan
- 60% of Facebook fans will recommend
- 51% of Facebook fans/followers are more likely to purchase the brand they love
However, considering Facebook’s over 400 million users, the opportunity is great for social media marketers.
“While social media is not the silver bullet that some pundits claim it to be, it is an extremely important and relatively low cost touch point that has a direct impact on sales and positive word of mouth,” comments Josh Mendelsohn a vice president at Chadwick Martin Bailey. “Companies not actively engaging are missing a huge opportunity and are saying something to consumers – intentionally or unintentionally- about how willing they are to engage on consumers’ terms.”
If you are in the travel/destination industry our webinar with Bulldog Reporter tomorrow has four hours of specific info on these topics.