The more things change the more PR has to change
I could not have said it better myself – David Meerman Scott ( he of The New Rules of PR) took Forrester to task for confusing advertising with marketing in a new research report.
Businesses certainly don’t need to trade CMOs who know TV ads with those who know how to run banner ads on YouTube and Facebook. Instead, we need CMOs who know how to resonate with potential customers, says David.
I have often used ad spend as an indicator – after all companies only put their ads where they know they’ll be seen by their target audience. But David’s point about learning how to make a successful YouTube video rather than put your same old, same old ad on a video really hits the spot.
OLD RULES — buy your way in with advertising and beg your way in with the media
NEW RULES — publish your way in on the Web for free
Every PR practitioner needs to learn to think like a publisher. Offer content that has value. The number one reason given for reading blogs is ‘to get infomation I can’t find elsewhere.’
Way back in 2005 Forrester said that if you do nothing else with RSS feeds you should add it to your press releases. A very good piece of advice. Yet David reports that this press release on the Forrester website can’t be found in a Google search, Ouch!
There is a right way and a wrong way to release SEO optimized releases online. The release does indeed show up on many other sites, but Forrester’s site doesn’t feature in the first ten results on Google. One reason could be that the page on their site is not optimized for search.
Make sure your newsorom offers the features journlaists most want. And that your content will be indexed and found in the Web and News Search engines.