If you don’t already have a website for your company, it’s high time you started preparing yourself for one. If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that the world is moving online at a rapid pace and the prediction of “in the future there will be two kinds of businesses — one with an effective website, and one with no business at all” is fast becoming a … [Read more...]
Make Your Website a Tool to Grow Your Business
There are 28.8 million small businesses in the US, which account for 99.7% of US businesses. (Source: SBA Gov 2016) Just over half of them (54%) have a website. (Hard to imagine why the other half don't!) There are thousands of web design companies out there offering to make or update your site. If your company has a website, or is considering … [Read more...]
Does Social Media Presence Trump a Website?
I've been studying the web presence of Fortune 500 and INC 500 companies over the past few weeks and it is very encouraging to see a correlation between those at the top of the lists and adoption of social media. During this same time I've seen several blog posts and articles suggesting that websites are a thing of the past and that Facebook and Twitter will dominate … [Read more...]
Online Media Room: What Journalists Really Want
Jakob NIelsen of the Nielsen Norman Group is known in the online world as the guru of usablity.Back in 2001 he wrote his first rpeort on the usablity of online media rooms and his latest insights on how journalists use the web is out today. Summary: As 3 studies of journalists show, they use the Web as a major research tool, exhibit high search dominance, and are impatient with … [Read more...]
Media Relations 2005
Excellent PR Conference in San Francisco this weekI flew into San Francisco last Sunday to speak at the Bulldog Reporter Media Relations 2005 conference.I have never been to this conference before and I met some great people. So just the networking was very worthwhile. Joan Stewart - the Publicity Hound - was there as a speaker too. We … [Read more...]