You need a content strategy, great content and links
In this MSNBC interview the Snr. V.P. of Network Solutions covers what any business needs for page one search rankings.
Content is definitely king. Stephanie suggests writing articles about your product or service as one of the best ways to add good content. SEO copy writing will not only produce content that is written for the search engines, but also information that gets responses from your visitors. She points out that articles online give you the opportunity to educate your public about your products and services.
The next thing you need is links. One strategy Stephanie did not cover was using RSS feeds to syndicate your content If you have someone who does SEO writing you can add links on the keywords in the articles. When your article get picked up and republished in blogs or other websites those links lead traffic back to you..
She mentions meta tags – another important part of SEO copywriting services. Meta tags are the technical text using the right keywords that get progammed into the page, making it possible for a search engine to find your site when a search is done.
SEO is vital for any business. Good content based on keyword research, built-in links on those keywords in the text and syndicated articles should be the stock-in-trade of a good SEO copywriter. It’s a proven strategy that produces high search ranking every time..