I've seen several webinars and articles this week about the rise of earned media in the marketing mix. 35% of people online have installed ad blockers. They trust reviews and editorial content. (Forrester Research) This is very good news for PR practitioners. But as more agencies not familiar with the ethos of media relations jump on this bandwagon there are some … [Read more...]
Online Newsrooms: the Secret Sauce for Media Relations
There is a saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Take media relations - despite the major changes in the media landscape, it's still a core part of PR and there are reporters, editors and producers we have to reach out to. So although there have been major changes in the media landscape, the fundamentals of media relations are still the same: find … [Read more...]
Why You Need to Add Video to Your News Content
In a recent Fast Company article visual storytelling was described as the breakout trend of 2012. Brands are learning to show, not tell. The media are also discovering that web video gets more views than broadcast clips. Stokes Young, Executive Producer for MSNBC, has some very interesting comments about how to define web video, what kind of content works, and what to … [Read more...]
Why You Need a New Media Relations Strategy
Social media has changed the way news is gathered and reported. In this video top journalists and bloggers such as Jeff Jarvis and Chris Anderson talk about the non-stop media cycle and the impact it is having on reporting the news. Just as media companies have had to adapt to this always-on news cycle, so do PR pros. Dealing with the media now, and getting earned media … [Read more...]
Is It Time to Re-Examine Your Media Relations Strategy?
The PwR 2011 Study shows that journalists are embracing the online world: 77% contribute content to a website or a blog in addition to their usual duties 87% prefer to receive press releases via email 91% want “easy access” via a link in the email to relevant background, bios and supporting information 87% want access to high res images 76% want verbiage they can … [Read more...]