We live in a social media world. People find their news and information on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So why should a brand bother with creating their own newsroom? Isn't it enough to have your content posted on all your social accounts? Not really. When the media or the public find a piece of content in social media they're likely to follow a link back to your … [Read more...]
Why You Need a New Media Relations Strategy
Social media has changed the way news is gathered and reported. In this video top journalists and bloggers such as Jeff Jarvis and Chris Anderson talk about the non-stop media cycle and the impact it is having on reporting the news. Just as media companies have had to adapt to this always-on news cycle, so do PR pros. Dealing with the media now, and getting earned media … [Read more...]
Digital Journalism and PR
Jim Brady on the Changes in News Consumption Ten years ago the Internet was in its infancy and most people read newspaper and watched TV news. We were all accustomed to a 24-hour news cycle. Newsrooms are still under financial pressure as they see their circulations dwindle and ad revenues go up in smoke. Who ever thought we’d see the end of the daytime soaps due to lack of … [Read more...]
The Future of Journalism and PR
Two events held recently focused on the future of journalism and the education of journalists: The second World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC2) in South Africa and Journalism as News Providers: Challenges and Opportunities held in Denver. One of the key findings from WJEC2 was that social media has become an integral part of journalism and must be included in the … [Read more...]
Social Media Club LA Looks at Guidelines for Citizen Journalists
Last night's panel at the Social Media Club of LA got into a spirited discussion about the pros and cons of citizen journalism. The event was covered by Fox 11 news. Alexia Tsotsis, tech/business lifestyle reporter for the LAWeekly was the moderator. (@alexiatsotsis) Panelists were: David Sarno, a Los Angeles Times Internet business reporter. (@dsarno) Christina … [Read more...]