A beautiful day in the desert
I took a drive out to Palm Springs Tuesday and spoke at the Search Insider Summit at the beautiful Miramonte Resort and Spa in Indian Wells. I was very tempted not to come back till Sunday!!!
"The purpose of the Search Insider Summit is to bring the best minds in the industry together to share leading edge information and experience on search marketing in a think-tank environment, while exploring new technology, strategies and tactics for effective campaigns." said the website and our panel was indeed on new technology and ideas – social media and how it affects search.
Bill Flitter of Pheedo did a sterling job of getting the audience out of ‘one-way presentation’ mode and into participatory mode. His chart on how our use of media has evolved from the one-way monolog of one to many through interactivity into the dialog of social media and many-to-many was an excellent opener.
Chris Heuer of Social Media club then covered the broad view of what social media and why it’s important to marketing today. See his slides at the Social Media Club blog. Chris spoke about the need to do knowledge marketing – giving your public the inside knowledge about your products and services and encouraging them to share this info.
My section was about
- How social media sites are gathering and funneling traffic online. The HitWise report revealed that in September 1 in 20 web visits was to one of the top 20 social networking sites and that sits like MySpace are driving taffic to Google and other comeercial sites.
- A case study on how one company implemented knowledge marketing and content syndication using social media elements with PRESSfeed. Since many marketing and PR folk are not technically adept, a service like PRESSfeed makes it simple to implement these new technoliges. All you have to do is cut and paste your content into the system and it is uploaded to your website, syndicated in a feed and it has all the social media bells and whistles like Technorati tags and social bookmarks.
We had only 45 minutes for the session and there is so much more to talk about. I have spoken on social media three times in the last two weeks – it seems there is a growing interest in the subject
I am planning a series of social media training webinars in 07 . subscribe to this feed if you want to be informed of the dates.
You can access my slides and whitepapers on the PRESSfeed resources page