Journalists’ want news online – and they are using RSS feeds
The TEK Group‘s survey of journalists’ views on online newsroom, and their preferences for accessing news, offers some clear guidelines for companies that want to improve their media relations
83% think is it important or very important to have an online newsroom
70% will visit an online newsroom often or very often
92% want to be able to access your press releases
70% think it’s important to have the releases organized by type of news
The two results I found most interesting are:
64% regard it as important/very important to have a URL for the newsroom
Almost 20% are receiving their news in an RSS feed
Journalists are getting very tech savvy and wise PR departments will cater to this trend.
Use an online enterprise content syndication service like PRESSfeed – it will set up the URL, give you the ability to add news content to the site yourself (no IT dependence), index and archive all your releases by content type and offer them in RSS feeds.