The more things change the more PR has to changeI could not have said it better myself - David Meerman Scott ( he of The New Rules of PR) took Forrester to task for confusing advertising with marketing in a new research report. Businesses certainly don't need to trade CMOs who know TV ads with those who know how to run banner ads on YouTube and Facebook. Instead, we … [Read more...]
News Websites Using Web 2.0 to Attract Online News Readers
RSs and Video Now Part of Newspaper WebsitesThe latest Nielsen//NetRatings data on current events and news sites show that Yahoo! News is out in front once again.Top 10 Current Events and Global News Destinations Week ending March 4, 2007 US, Home and Work Brand or Channel Unique Audience (000) Active Reach (%) Yahoo! News 17,604 13.19 MSNBC 14,797 11.09 CNN 11,152 8.36 AOL … [Read more...]
Google Universal, News,Images and Video Even More Important to Your SEO Strategy
Google's new update to design and function means you have to search optimize images and videoImage from blog post at WebWareMay 16 was Google's Searchology day. They unveiled a number of new Google services to the media, and the one that produced the most buzz was Google Universal – the redesign of the site and the way the search engine finds and displays results. … [Read more...]
Why Travel Sites Need SEO PR
General search #1 prompt for online travel purchasesGeneral search engines remain the most important media prompt among online travel researchers, at 17 percent, finds Jupiter Research their "US Travel Consumer Survey, 2006." Despite garnering extensive media attention during the past year, travel meta search engines have not yet attracted a … [Read more...]
News Search Users Are ‘High Powered’ Internet Surfers
"High-powered" broadband users consume more news and media on the Web than the average Internet user.New data from the Pew Internet and American Life Project show that those who read news online are a sought after demographic - they are the "high-powered" broadband users that consume more news and media on the Web than the average Internet … [Read more...]