Journalists’ want news online – and they are using RSS feedsThe TEK Group‘s survey of journalists’ views on online newsroom, and their preferences for accessing news, offers some clear guidelines for companies that want to improve their media relations 83% think is it important or very important to have an online newsroom 70% will visit an … [Read more...]
Enterprise RSS Feeds
The Gilbane Content Management ConferenceAlthough content management systems are based on XML technology, not many offer RSS feeds. Here are sme figures from the enterprise RSS session 15% of the attendees came to listen to the enterprise RSS session. All of them were reading RSS feeds personally.Yet none of them was using feeds to syndicate the content on their … [Read more...]
RSS is on the rise
The demand for advanced features in newsreaders is an indicatorBoth Feed Demon and Newsgator announced some cool new upgrades.And the 'Face of the Web' study reports that although the growth of users on the Internet has slowed (we've got 'em all now) dependence on applications like RSS is growing fast."Whether it is checking RSS (news) feeds, blogging or picking up a … [Read more...]