Creating content is one thing, getting it seen is another. It's that 'tree in the forest' question: If you create the perfect piece of content and nobody sees it, does it matter? Distribution and amplification of your content is a vital part of your content strategy. One of the places you need visibility is in the search engines - Google in particular. So … [Read more...]
Social Media Strategy Template
Download the PDF of the Social Media Strategy Template 2018 UPDATE: According to the 2017 Content Planning Challenges, Trends and Opportunities from DivvyHQ, 64% of top marketers polled said that “developing a comprehensive content strategy” is their top challenge, followed by keeping content creation on track with the strategy, staying organized, coming up with ideas and … [Read more...]
5 Digital PR Tips to Boost Your Business
Every business should have a growth strategy. Without strategic planning it’s a hit-and-miss operation. Digital PR can play an important role in that strategy. Here are five good PR actions you can implement right away: Twitter lists: A quick and easy way to tap into your audiences’ conversations is Twitter lists. Create a list for influencers, brand advocates … [Read more...]
Why Content Strategy Needs Digital PR
More companies – both BtoC and BtoB – are creating content as an integral part of their marketing and Digital PR. (MarketingProfs: Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends Report.) 76% of BtoB and 77% of BtoC firms are creating more content than they did a year ago and half of them will be spending more on content in 2016. The tricky part is figuring out what to content to … [Read more...]
Digital PR: What You Need to Know
There's a good post in Business 2 Community about the challenges of starting out in Digital PR. If you've been trained in traditional PR and technology is fairly new to you, it will seem overwhelming at first. Believe me, there is a lot to learn. And while some of it is tactical, if it's done in a vacuum it's likely to fail. Learning how to devise and implement a strategy … [Read more...]