Every person that has an interaction with your brand – whether it’s good, bad or indifferent – forms a perception about your brand. Every person in your company is a representative of the brand and now that we’re all online, that’s truer than ever. Anyone considering doing business with your company moves along a particular path, often referred to as the customer … [Read more...]
Social Media & Digital Marketing Engagement Gap
A new study from the CMO Club and Digiday uncovered a gap between how people use social sites and how we're marketing to them on those platforms. They started out looking for something completely different - the gaps in the capabilities and perspectives amongst marketers, agencies and publishers, but found that another gap existed: The real glaring gap is the massive divide … [Read more...]
Internet Marketing, Social Media and CGM Attracting the Dollars
Senior marketers expect spend for new media and online initiatives to increase in the next year despite the poor economyThe sixth annual PRWeek/Manning Selvage & Lee (MS&L) survey by Millward Brown polled 252 U.S. chief marketing officers, VPs of marketing and marketing directors and managers, focused on digital and consumer generated media, marketing ethics and the … [Read more...]